Horse Adoption Central Coming to Culpeper

Horse Adoption Central is Central Virginia Horse Rescue’s adoption program and it will soon have it’s very own convenient location in the Culpeper County/Chancellors area. We have leased Eagle Hill Farm and our adoptable horses will be moving there. This program will be solely operated by Central Virginia Horse Rescue and I truly hope that we will have the support of the local community. Our success will depend on you!
We will postpone any grand opening until it is safe to all come together but we will be having training for small groups of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out an interest form and we will put you on the mailing list for an available training appointment. Our goal is to start out with more experienced volunteers and then have those volunteers conduct future trainings and mentor less experienced volunteers.
This has been in the works for a few months and we have been working out details. We realize that there is a lot of past history at Eagle Hill but there has also been a tremendous amount of community support for them as well. We will be aiming as always towards complete transparency and an open door policy. We will have a limited number of horses in residence there and again, we try to be a good example in horse care and handling.
Our whole program has always been centered around adoptions and we are excited to have an adoption center where horses are centrally located and can be kept in regular training by volunteer riders. I grew up in Culpeper County and while I am not moving there, I am happy to be able to contribute to both the local community and the local horse community.
More information will be coming in future emails. I will try to do one ever week with information, schedules, frequently asked questions, etc.


One comment

  1. I am excited for you and the many horses I know it will serve. I am also looking and have filled out my application. Best of luck with this worthwhile venture.

    Annie Jacobs

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